Category: Conventions, Trade Shows, Meetings and Events

Three leaders in preventing healthcare-associated infections discuss how patients can stay safer in hospital.

Patient safety education and advocacy group PULSE of NY today announced that it is extending for one week its discounted "early bird" ticket price for its upcoming annual symposium, Medication Safety: It Starts Before the Prescription.

PULSE of NY President Ilene Corina has addressed a patient safety conference in Saudi Arabia. She was among the keynote speakers at the first International Quality & Patient Safety Conference held in Jeddah, at which US-based experts met with their Middle Eastern counterparts.

PULSE of New York held its 2nd annual patient safety symposium in Plainview on April 20 to shine a light on what patient safety expert, David Marx, referred to as "an epidemic."

Long Island stakeholders come together April 20 to talk about patient safety.

Long Island stakeholders come together April 20 to talk about patient safety
PULSE of NY's second annual symposium, "The Changing Culture of Healthcare: Impacting Patient Safety," will be held on April 20, 2015, featuring speaker David Marx.