Category: Healthcare and Medical News

"Patient Activation Through Community Conversations" helps people learn from each other.

Patient safety nonprofit develops worksheet for families.

By Ilene Corina, President, Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy

Interview Infection-Prevention Experts at Pulse CPSEA's Spring Symposium, 'Infection Prevention: It Begins with You!'

Interview Infection-Prevention Experts at Pulse CPSEA's Spring Symposium, 'Infection Prevention: It Begins with You!'
Editorial by Patient Safety Educator Ilene Corina, President, Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy (formerly PULSE of NY)

Report finds oversight in hospitals may reduce number of deaths; can families and patient advocates achieve a similar result?

Patient safety expert Ilene Corina, head of the PULSE Center for Patient Safety Education and Advocacy, comments on the just-released report from the HHS Office of the Inspector General which gives a poor patient safety score to care provided to Medicare patients in many rehab centers.