WANTAGH, N.Y., October 9, 2018 (Newswire.com) - Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy is delighted to announce that two important experts in patient safety have joined its board.
“Pulse’s Board goes from strength to strength,” says the group’s president, Ilene Corina. “It is further enhanced and supported by the addition of these two superbly qualified champions of patient safety education.”
Pulse . . . serves as a lifeline when it is needed the most.
Catherine Besthoff, Director of Risk Management and Patient Safety, Mount Sinai West, NY
Catherine M. Besthoff, DrPH, RN, CPHQ
Catherine Besthoff is the Director of Risk Management and Patient Safety at Mount Sinai West in New York City. Her expertise in health systems delivery has contributed to multiple patient safety campaigns and clinical quality improvement initiatives statewide and nationally.
Catherine holds a public health doctorate in health policy and management from the CUNY School of Public Health and Health Policy. Her doctoral research focused on the patient and family engaged care in addressing hospital safety concerns. She served as an Expert Panel Member to the Nursing Alliance of Quality Care on Fostering Successful Patient and Family Engagement: Nursing’s Critical Role, and to the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing Ambulatory Nurse Sensitive Indicator Task Force.
“I am delighted to join Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education and Advocacy and extend patient- and family-engaged care into the community,” says Besthoff. “Patient safety knowledge is needed at home before you, a family member or friend visits a doctor’s office or becomes a patient. Pulse proactively provides this support and serves as a lifeline when it is needed the most.”
Mary A. Horton, MSN/ED, RN
Mary Horton is an Assistant Professor and Faculty Educator in the Department of Nursing at San Antonio College, San Antonio Texas. She is an avid and passionate champion for health care quality; committed to ensuring a safe practice environment that promotes the best, evidence-based patient care outcomes.
Mrs. Horton’s clinical experience of over 45 years as a registered nurse has prepared her as a nursing mentor and role model to experienced and new to practice graduate nurses. Her master’s in nursing specialty is nursing education. She is currently completing final requirements for her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in Educational Leadership. Mrs. Horton serves as vice president of the Theta Eta, Inc. Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc., (a professional nursing sorority) and is involved in numerous community efforts to educate individuals, especially the at-risk and disadvantaged population, about health promotion and disease prevention practices. Although she has always been an advocate for quality and safe care, a personal experience of the loss of her only sibling during an elective procedure prompted even more dedication and personal service to help improve healthcare delivery.
Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy (formerly PULSE of New York) is a grassroots, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization working to improve patient safety through advocacy education and support services. Our advocacy services are always provided free. Pulse also offers expert professional speakers to medical organizations and community/civic groups, and we seek sponsoring venues to host our training programs.
Source: Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy